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What is your approach to land use evaluation?The best approach to land use evaluation is to determine the most economical use of land including the maximum buildable floor area you can get out of your property.
Will the city approve my rezoning requestWe cannot guarantee that the city will approve any rezoning application you make, but we evaluate projects on a case by case basis and make recommendations on reasonable requests for rezoning. The public typically has a say at rezoning public hearing, so we encourage applicants to get buy in and feedback from neighborhood planning units prior to making a formal application. While jurisdictions can approve or reject rezoning applications irrespective of public opinion they normally weigh public objections seriously. You need a knowledgeable consultant/ advocate to help you navigate the process and that is what we do.
Do you assist clients with rezoning?Yes, we assist clients with site evaluation, zoning analysis, rezoning documentation, application and representation at public hearings.
Does your company do any work in the historic district?Yes we represent clients who want to do improvements to properties that are within the historic district. The historic district requirements are very restrictive so contact us so we can evaluate your need and provide you with recommendations.
Can your firm assist us with the value engineering process?Certainly, we understand the process and our team has the diversity of professionals and consultants that can assist you with your value engineering requirements.
What is value engineering?Value engineering is simple, it is a way to evaluate your building materials, design and systems and determined ways to get you the same value or better while cutting project costs. Typically, the value of materials or systems is evaluated over a longer time period (typically Project life cycle) taking into account maintenance and or replacement costs over that time. While cutting upfront costs is important for some projects, value engineering is not cutting upfront costs.
Does your organization provide permit expediting?We only providing permit expediting for projects we work on if desired and requested. We do not expedite other consultants' work. Most jurisdictions like Atlanta are now allowing online permitting which has reduced the cost associated with permit expediting. Other jurisdictions such as New York also have online permitting but still require a dedicated and approved permit expediter. In jurisdictions such as New York, we typically hire our own permit expediters so our clients do not have to worry about navigating the complicated permit process.
What project delivery methods does your organization use?We are familiar with all project delivery methods and procurement types. We will be happy to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these delivery methods and procurement types with you to determine the ones suitable for your project. Major construction delivery methods include Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, Construction Management-at-risk, Construction Management Agency, Qualifications-Based, and Integrated Project Delivery. There are also hybrids that are a mix of these delivery methods. Procurement methods vary and include stipulated sum contracts, Fee-based compensations, Gross Maximum Price arrangement, Percentage of Construction compensation, Hourly compensation, Unit Price contracts and others. Contact to discuss pros and cons of these decision on your project.
Do you work on individual single family home projects?No we do not work on independent single family home projects unless the cost of construction exceed $500,000.
What kind of clients does your firm work with?We do work for individuals, developers, property owners and business organizations. Contact us to discuss your specific needs
What type of work do you do?Our types of projects are listed in the Projects section of our website and include residential, commercial and some industrial type projects. The work include renovation type projects and ground up projects.
What is your fee for initial consultationInitial consultation to discuss your project is typically free unless your project requires more effort than a simple needs assessment.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
Can your firm assist us in communicating with the insurance company about fire damage and building code requirementsYes, insurance companies and their appraisers don't always understand latest building code requirement related to fire repairs and many times they need input from your architect to help understand requirements that may impact the claim. Some facilities will require new sprinkler system to be permitted for repairs. Sometimes damage assessment includes structural, mechanical and electrical assessments which can be impacted by new building code requirements, the situation does not always lends itself to in-kind repairs.
When should we contact your firm after experiencing fire in our facility and why?If your building or facility experiences fire, immediately call 911 to get help from the fire department. Then immediately calls us before your insurance can appoint an appraiser. You should not let any contractor, whether recommended by insurance or not, do any work in your facility without having an architect evaluating the damage and repair requirements first. We have seen situations where Owners give some repair contractor blank checks to do cleaning work and are billed excessively draining insurance funds before the real repair work begins. Do not fall into the trap of believing you should pay a contractor recommended by the appraiser, it can be an inside job that can bankrupt your insurance funds before any meaningful repair work is done.
Does Strategic Projects help with fire repairs and related insurance claimsYes, we have done evaluations and permit documents to repair numerous buildings which experienced fire and relate fire-department-water damage and we can certain assist you or your organization.
Do I need a building permit for fire repairs?Yes, always assume a building permit is required to do any fire damage repairs.
Do ADA requirements ever come up as part of fire repairs?Yes, for certain facilities, conditions and extent of floor area needing repairs, ADA requirements may become an issue. This is why you need to have a registered professional architect on your site to conduct damage assessment and help you and your insurance company define appropriate scope of work to properly set the stage for permitting and construction repairs.
Should I accept a contractor recommended by the insurance company?Not necessarily, there are contractors who specialize in insurance repair work but you typically have no legal obligation to use anyone recommended by the insurance company or their representative. It is entirely up you or your organization to hire your own architect and contractor. Your insurance definitely have coverage limits but have a qualified professional to help you or your appraiser get the scope right.
What value does Strategic Projects bring to developers and syndicators?Our company is very familiar with development projects and syndication responsibilities. As a developer or syndicator, Strategic Projects can help you cross all the "Ts" and dot all the "Is" in your project. Our approach to projects is tailor made to assist developers and syndicators cover due diligence issues and address project requirements in all phases of the project.
How can property managers and or Owners benefit from Strategic Projects?We help property managers and owners with renovations of existing buildings and amenities. We also help them with reconstruction of existing abandoned buildings of any type and other ideas to add more value to their facilities. Specifically, we have helped many apartment community owners bring life to abandoned buildings and increase their bottom line.
What state are you licensed to work in?We are a Georgia-based company so ordinarily we are licensed in Georgia. However, at the time of answering this question our principals are also licensed in Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, North Carolina, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Texas, Illinois, Rhode Island and can offer services in those states. The company and its principals have credentials to reciprocate in almost all other states if desired. Contact us to discuss your needs and to get our latest licensure updates.
We have a project in mind but do not know where to start, can Strategic Projects assist us?Most definitely. We understand that undertaking a renovation or ground up project can be challenging for a business organization that is not in the construction industry. Strategic Projects can assess your project and provide you with a road map of all the phases of your project and what will be needed. We most certainly can assist you and be your project representative throughout the process.
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